Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

Congratulations to Cleveland artist Nijole Palubinskas, on the upcoming opening of the first exhibition of her work in Lithuania. The exhibit will open on September 5 th in the Baltic Sea resort of Palanga. More information about Palubinskiene’s art and the exhibition can be found at

The Parish Joining Committee has announced a get-together for the members of St. George and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes. The meet and greet will be held on Sunday, September 13th at 1:00 pm at Wildwood Park, located just off Lakeshore Boulevard, one-half mile west of Neff Road.

The first annual Miles Coburn Environmental Symposium is coming up in two weeks right here on the JCU campus. Each day at 4:00 pm from September 8 th to September 11 th, will feature a different seminar in the Dolan Science Center. The week culminates with the Ride for Miles on Saturday, September 12 th. On Wednesday, September 9 th the featured speaker will be Saulius Kliorys, Environmental Programs Coordinator for Great Lakes Brewery. More information is available at

Summer is winding down, and the school year is getting started.
St. Casimir Lithuanian Saturday School begins classes on Saturday, September 19th at 9:00 am. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children on the first day, and students are asked to wear clothes in the colors of the Lithuanian flag. Contact Principal Aida Bublyte O’Meara at 440-209-8160 for more information or send email to

John Yagoda will be offering another class in making fused glass jewelry on Saturday, September 19th, from 11:00 to 2:00 at Lithuanian Village. Contact Ruta at the Club for details and reservations.

Congratulations to the Lietuviu Sodyba, on its upcoming 25th anniversary celebration, to be held at 12 noon on Tuesday, September 22 nd at the Center on Ridge Road in Willoughby.

Coming to Cleveland next Sunday, September 6th are the Three Latvian Tenors. National Opera of Latvia soloists Nauris Puntulis, Guntars Rungis and Miervaldis Joncs, will perform on Sunday at 7:00 at the Latvian Church Hall, 1385 Andrews Road in Lakewood. For more information, please contact Ausma Pirktins at 216-521-1435.

If you’re interested in seeing a film from Estonia, the Cleveland Cinematheque will show Sugisball today at 1:30 pm and again tomorrow at 7:00 pm. The Cleveland Cinematheque is located in the Cleveland Institute of Art in University Circle.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23, 2009

Bishop Richard Lennon has announced his decision on the name of the soon to be established parish resulting from the merger of St. George and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes.

The bishop states in a letter dated August 14 th, that he is very much inclined to name the new parish St. Caismir. The bishop’s letter also indicated a willingness to meet with Fr. Bacevicius and Fr. Kijauskas and a small group of parishioners to hear their input and explain his choice before making the decision final.

So it would appear that one St. Casimir church in Cleveland will close, and a new St. Casimir will open on Neff Road in October of this year.

The Parish Joining Committee is planning a get-together for the members of St. George and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes. The exact date, time and location will be announced shortly, but it will be somewhere in the Cleveland area during the month of September. Keep listening to the Lithuanian Voice for details.

The next meeting of the joint parish subcommittees will take place on Tuesday, August 25th at 7:00 pm in the lower hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Subcommittee representatives will give an update of the work they have done thus far.

John Yagoda will be offering another class in making fused glass jewelry on Saturday, September 19th, from 11:00 to 2:00 at Lithuanian Village. Contact Ruta at the Club for details and reservations.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 16, 2009

Our condolences this morning to the family of Ona Zilionis, who passed away this morning, at the age of 98. Ona is survived by her daughter Violeta Leger, daughter-in-law Roma Zilionis, granddaughters Renata and Elenute, and great granddaughters Lukas and Ema. Funeral arrangements are pending, check the Plain Dealer for details.

Today is the Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish picnic, and the festivities get underway at 12:30, the Vincas Apanius estate on Mulberry Road in Chesterland. It’s going to be a hot day today, but there will be plenty of shade and cold beer, so the weather won’t be a deterrent to a good time.

Don’t forget that Oberlin-based painter Audra Skuodas is exhibiting at Artseen Gallery in Vermilion, through August 23rd. The gallery, located at 5591 LIberty Avenue is open from 4:00 until 8:00 Thursday and Friday, 2:00 until 8:00 Saturday, and 2:00 until 4:00 on Sunday. More information is available by calling Artseen Gallery at 440-963-0611.

The first annual Miles Coburn Environmental Symposium is coming up in mid-September right here on the JCU campus. Each day at 4:00 pm from September 8th to September 11th, will feature a different seminar in the Dolan Science Center. The week culminates with the Ride for Miles on Saturday, September12th.

The Lithuanian connection in all this is that the featured speaker on Wednesday, September9 th will be Saulius Kliorys, Environmental Programs Coordinator for Great Lakes Brewery. The Ride for Miles also features live acoustic music, with sound reinforcement by that guy that does sound for all the Lithuanian events. More information is available at

John Yagoda will be offering another class in making fused glass jewelry on Saturday, September 19th, from 11:00 to 2:00 at Lithuanian Village. Contact Ruta at the Club for details and reservations.

Former OSU middle linebacker James Laurinaitis is making good progress learning the ways of the NFL at the St. Louis Rams training camp this summer. Rams coach Steve Spaguolo calls Laurinaitis a smart, tough player who can run really well. Laurinaitis was the 35 th overall pick in this past spring’s NFL draft.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 9, 2009

Today is the St. George parish picnic, following 10:30 mass in the rectory garden.

Next Sunday is the Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish picnic
, at 12:30 at the Vincas Apanius estate in beautiful Chesterland.

Parish Merger News
The joint parish subcommittee meeting took place last Tuesday, August 4th. Some highlights from that meeting:

The Education and Formation/Youth Ministry committee has finalized its list of proposed programs and activities that it plans on submitting to the new pastor for his review and consideration. Some of the programs mentioned were: youth Masses, retreats, PSR lessons and preparation for the sacraments.

The Liturgy Committee reminds all parishioners to pick up a copy of the liturgical questionnaire, fill it out, and return it by next Sunday, August 16th. Questionnaires may be found at the back of the church, and can be dropped into the specially marked boxes at each parish or returned to members of that committee.

The Naming Committee has completed its work and handed in its final report to the Bishop. A copy of the report may be found on each parish’s bulletin board. The next subcommittee meeting will take place August 25th.

With the the closings of St. George and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes on October 18th, an announcement from the Bishop about the new pastor and new parish name is expected sometime in the second half of August.
Oberlin-based painter Audra Skuodas is exhibiting 18 large works at Artseen Gallery in Vermilion. The gallery, located at 5591 Lberty Avenue is open from 4:00 until 8:00 Thursday and Friday, 2:00 until 8:00 Saturday, and 2:00 until 4:00 on Sunday. Audra Skuodas' paintings are on view through August 23rd. More information available by calling Artseen Gallery at 440-963-0611.

The International Polka Association inducted former Clevelander Joe Oberaitis into its Hall of Fame at a ceremony held last night in Independence, Ohio. Oberaitis now lives in Orlando, Florida, is still active in polka radio, and as a performer, making a guest appearance Friday night with Brave Combo at the Beachland Ballroom here in Cleveland.

John Yagoda will be offering another class in making fused glass jewelry on Saturday, September 19th, from 11:00 to 2:00 at Lithuanian Village. Contact Ruta at the Club for details and reservations.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2, 2009

Very sad news coming out of the Detroit area this week. Father Ricardas Repsys and his 13-year-old nephew Tautvydas Skudas drowned in Lake Saint Clair this past Tuesday. Father Repsys was the pastor of Divine Providence parish in Southfield.

Repsys and his family were aboard a pontoon boat on the lake, when Tautvydas and his father went for a swim. When Tautvydas had difficulty staying on the surface, Father Repsys dove in to save him. None of the three men were wearing life jackets.

We send our condolences to the Repsys and Skudas families, and to the entire community of Lithuanians in the Detroit area. Services for Father Repsys were held yesterday at Divine Providence church. Monsignor Edmondas Putrimas celebrated the funeral mass. There is a link on the blog to an article on the Detroit News website with further details.

Parish Merger News
The Parish Naming Subcommittee
submitted its report with recommendations for the new parish name to the Bishop’s office this past Thursday. The Bishop will most likely make his decision about the new name some time this month. As soon as there is word of his decision, it will be announced to everyone.

The Liturgy Committee has developed a questionnaire (in both Lithuanian and English) regarding Mass schedules and other liturgical programs to be considered for the newly formed parish. The questionnaires will be available today and for the next two Sundays, until August 16th, at both parishes. They can be found on tables at the back of the church.

Parishioners are asked to fill out the questionnaire, and then return it to the specially marked boxes which may be found both in the church and lower hall. They may also be returned by mail to Kestutis Civinskas. The Liturgy Committee will compile all of the results and present them in a report to the new pastor for his consideration.

The joint subcommittees of both parishes will meet this coming Tuesday, August 4th, at 7:00pm in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help cafeteria. They will give updates about the work they have accomplished thus far.

St. George parish will hold its annual parish picnic next Sunday August 9th, following 10:30 mass. This of course is the final picnic at St. George’s as a distinct parish, so you won’t want to miss a final opportunity to gather in the rectory garden for a bit of summer fun.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish will hold its annual picnic on Sunday August 16th at 12:30, the Vincas Apanius estate on Mulberry Road in Chesterland. This is also the final picnic for Our Lady as a distinct parish, and the atmosphere out in Chesterland is so beautiful, you’ll want to stop out and celebrate with your friends and parishioners.

Former Euclid City Council president Ed Gudenas is being sued over a real estate deal on Middle Bass Island. Complete details in the News-Herald.