Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009

Today is one of your last chances to get your Christmas wafers, available at St. Casimir in the church on weekends, and at the rectory during the week.

2010 calendars, courtesy of Jakubs and Son Funeral Home, are available at St. Casimir church entrances.

The St. George Memory Project CD was a very popular item last Sunday at the St. Casimir kavine, but Zivile Vaitkus managed to get more copies of the CD in time for this morning. The CD features audio memories from parishioners (from as far back as 1924) along with excerpts from the parish closing mass with Bishop Richard Lennon, and Fr. Bacevice's homily from the last parish mass. The CD packaging includes beautiful recent and vintage photographs of St. George church.

This is the 4th Sunday of Advent, and today after 12 noon mass, St. Casimir parishioners are invited to gather and decorate the church for Christmas. Algirdas Matulionis is coordinating this afternoon's decorating activities, so see him if you're interested in helping.

Christmas Masses at St. Casimir will be celebrated on Thursday, December 24th at 4:00 pm in English and Lithuanian, and at 10:30 pm in Lithuanian. Christmas Day masses will be celebrated at 8:00 am in English, 10:00 am in Lithuanian, and 12 noon in English.

Svyturys will host a Christmas Day Karaoke dance and social at Lithuanian Village. The Club will open at 7:00 pm and the party runs from 8:00 to midnight. Should be a nice chance to get together with Lithuanian friends after the presents have been opened and you've had dinner with the family.

On Sunday, December 27th, all members of St. Casimir parish are invited to a special Christmas Coffee after 10:00 mass in the lower hall. Please bring a plate of Christmas goodies, and your Christmas spirit to share with fellow parishioners.

The after-mass Coffee Schedule for 2010 at St. Casimir is now being organized. As in the past, all parish and community organizations are invited to host these coffee socials. This coming year, parish families are also invited to host a coffee hour.

To volunteer, please contact Dalia Armonas, Loretta Gudenas, or Ingrid Civinskas before December 27th.

You are invited to say goodbye to 2009 and hello to 2010 at a New Year's Eve celebration at Lithuanian Village, sponsored by the Lithuanian American Community of Cleveland. Doors open at 8:00 pm on December 31st, and the party starts at 9:00 pm. You'll be treated to appetizers, dinner desert, champagne at midnight, and dancing to the music of Arturas Blazukas from Chicago. Tickets are available after 10:00 mass at St. Casimir, or by calling Zita Mascinskas at 216-235-5212.

Friday, January 1st is the Feast of Mary the Mother of God. Masses at St. Casimir will be celebrated on Thursday, December 31st at 5:00 pm, and on Friday January 1st at 11:00 am.

The LaSalle Theater on East 185th Street
will be open for tours, followed by a public forum seeking community input on future uses for this historic facility. The event takes place on Monday, January 11th, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Full details available in the Collinwood Observer.

Coming up on January 30th, the Svyturys dancers will attempt to warm things up with a Beach Party-themed fundraiser. The party, which will be held at Lithuanian Village will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contest, prizes and more. The proceeds will be used to help fund the upcoming dance concert on April 24th, which will include not only Svyturys, but also dancers from Toronto and Chicago.


  1. What is the ADDRESS of the Lithuanian parish in Cleveland?

  2. St. Casimir Parish
    18022 Neff Road
    Cleveland, Ohio 44119-2699
    (216) 431-5794

    I've also added the St. Casimir website to the list of links on the right. It's just a placeholder site for now, but I'm sure more content will be up soon.
