Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009

Our condolences to the family of former Clevelander Meile Krygeriene, who died in Houston, TX, at the age of 67. Funeral arrangements for Meile Krygeriene will be announced later, as she is to be buried here in Cleveland.

We say a special welcome back to Cleveland to Algirdas and Amanda Muliolis, who returned late last week from another summer of APPLE seminars in Lithuania. The Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science has invited them back next summer, with a request for 35 lecturers. Planning for next summer’s APPLE activities starts at its annual meeting in August.

Congratulations to Grazina Kudukis, who was recently honored by the American Nationalities Movement on their 50th anniversary, for her work on behalf of Lithuania‘s entry into NATO. Also honored at the July 16th event was Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman.

The Parish Naming Committee
met on July 13th to open ballots and tally the St. George Parish voting results for the new parish name. Parishioners were asked to vote for their top 5 names from the provided list of 38 names suggested by parishioners of both St. George and Our Lady of Perpetual Help parishes.

At St. George, St. Casimir received the highest number of first choice votes, followed by Our Lady of Siluva. Overall, Our Lady of Siluva was the most popular choice at St. George, with St. Casimir receiving the next highest number of overall votes.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish decided that the name suggestion phase was sufficient and that a voting phase was not necessary. The top three names suggested at Our Lady were: Our Lady of Siluva, St. Casimir, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

A report of how the naming process was carried out together with all of the names and numbers will be handed in to the Bishop for his consideration. The Bishop will make the final decision of choosing the new parish name.

Wasn't that a Party? Despite the ritual thunderstorms, the Lithuanian Club picnic was a great success yesterday, with a large turnout, and all the elements of a great Lithuanian gathering. Food and drink were plentiful, and the Gottscheer Blaskapelle Band, and Kolorado Vabalai provided a wide entertainment of musical entertainment.

St. George church, will hold its annual parish picnic on Sunday August 9th, following 10:30 mass.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish will hold its annual picnic on Sunday August 16th at 12:30, the Vincas Apanius estate on Mulberry Road in Chesterland.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19, 2009

Congratulations to Ingrid and Kestutis Civinskas, who became grandparents this past week, when their daughter Venta gave birth to a son, Tadas Antanas. Venta and her husband Jamie Norris make their home in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area.

The next meeting of the Cleveland Pensininkiu Klubas will be held this Thursday, July 23rd at 12 noon in Gintaras at Lithuanian Village.

This coming Saturday, July 25th, is the annual Lithuanian Club at the Italian-American Center in Wickliffe. There will be traditional Lithuanian food and drink, entertainment by Kolorado Vabalai and the Gottscheer Blaskapelle Band, as well as a Krupnikas contest and a special exhibit honoring the 60th anniversary of Cleveland Lithuanian Displaced Persons in America.

St. George Church will hold its annual parish picnic on Sunday August 9th, following 10:30 mass.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish will hold its annual picnic on Sunday August 16th at 12:30, the Vincas Apanius estate on Mulberry Road in Chesterland.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

Congratulations to Olgerts Kubulins of Middleburg Heights, who was recently honored with Latvia’s highest civilian award, the Order of Three Stars, Fourth Class, Kubulins was presented with the medal by Latvian President Valdis Zatlers at the Latvian embassy in Washington, DC.

The Willoughby Municipal Planning Commission met Thursday night to consider a conditional use permit for Mary Rose Estates adjacent to the current Lithuanian Sodyba. The commission rejected the permit application by a vote of 4-1. Mariana Stachnik, chairwoman of the Lithuanian Center and trustee for Mary Rose Estates said the group has not given up on the project, but will need to make a determination as to what their next step will be. Check out the article from Friday's News-Herald, which includes many interesting comments not available in the print edition.

Rob Mays will be appearing in tonight’s episode of the CW series Valentine, which airs tonight at 7:00 on WBNX, Channel 55, here in the Cleveland area.

The next meeting of the Cleveland Pensininkiu Klubas will be held on Thursday, July 23rd at 12 noon in Gintaras at Lithuanian Village.

The Lithuanian Club will hold its annual picnic on Saturday, July 25th at the Italian-American Center in Wickliffe. There will be great food and drink, entertainment by Kolorado Vabalai and the Gottsheer Blaskapelle Band, as well as a Krupnikas contest.

St. George Church, will hold its annual parish picnic on Sunday August 9th, following 10:30 mass.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish will hold its annual picnic on Sunday August 16th at 12:30, the Vincas Apanius estate on Mulberry Road in Chesterland.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009

Welcome to the 16 young Lithuanian baseball players who are currently in Cleveland for the Continental Cup Tournament which wraps up today here at John Carroll University. Check out Friday’s Plain Dealer or for a profile of Kasparas Bareika, a 14-year old pitcher from Vilnius who is here in Cleveland for the tournament. It takes courage to choose baseball over basketball when you’re growing up in Lithuania.

Congratulations to John Vedera, who has joined the ranks of the Royal Society, alongside Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Vedera is a researcher at the University of Alberta, who is working on identifying antimicrobial peptides that preserve food, and may have potential as antibiotics against organisms resistant to current drugs. Vedera is a graduate of St. Joseph High School, and the grandson of General Povilas Plehavicius, and the nephew of Norbertus Plehavicius.

The Willoughby Municipal Planning Commission will meet Thursday night to decide on whether to grant a conditional use permit to allow the construction of Mary Rose Estates adjacent to the current Lithuanian Sodyba. Neighboring residents are concerned about the facility’s effect on property values, and the loss of green space. Thursday’s meeting is open to the public, but public comments have already been heard at a previous session. See yesterday’s News Herald for complete details.

The next meeting of the Cleveland Pensininkiu Klubas will be held on Thursday, July 23rd at 12 noon in Gintaras at Lithuanian Village.

The Lithuanian Club will hold its annual picnic on Saturday, July 25th at the Italian-American Center in Wickliffe. There will be great food and drink, entertainment by Kolorado Vabalai and the Gottsheer Blaskapelle Band, as well as a Krupnikas contest.

During the month of July, Fr. Kijauskas will be on annual retreat in Quebec. Fr. Arturas Sedaravicius, a Lithuanian Jesuit studying at Loyola University in Chicago will be filling in at Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

St. George will hold its annual parish picnic on Sunday August 9th, following 10:30 mass.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish will hold its annual picnic on Sunday August 16th at 12:30, the Vincas Apanius estate on Mulberry Road in Chesterland.

This morning we have information about two more Cleveland Lithuanian members of the graduating classes of 2008 & 2009.

Katerina Stungys, graduated 3rd in her class at Kirtland High School this spring, and has been heavily involved in the United Way of Lake County. She will attend the Farmer School of Business at Miami of Ohio this fall, and plans a career in international business.

Katerina also graduated from St. Casimir Lithuanian School, and danced with Svyturys. Her fondest Lithuanian memory is the trip to the 2007 Song Festival in Lithuania.

She is the daughter of Ada and Gus Stungys.

Elena Juodisius graduated from home school this May, and is a National Merit Commended Student, and on the Dean’s List at Lakeland Community College. Elena’s poetry has been published by the Poets and Writers League of Greater Cleveland.

Elena has been involved in many Lithuanian activities, including St. Casimir Lithuanian School, Gintarines Stygos kankles ensemble, Svyturys and Scouts. Her favorite Lithuanian memory is being a scout leader to the youngest scouts this past year.

She will attend Allegheny College in Meadville, PA, to pursue a degree in Environmental Science.

Her parents are Marius Juodisius and Jenniver Blakeny, and her grandmother is Izolda Juodisious.