Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Few Clarifications

Good morning, I know I said a few weeks ago that I was vacating the Sunday morning radio chair, but some recent misinformation making the rounds among the Cleveland Lithuanians has caused me to break my promise, if only for today.

Before I forget, I want to say a big "Thank You" to Marius, Augis Tadas and Regina of Siaurines Krantas, not only for their outstanding work so far, but for inviting me on their show this morning.

So, perhaps you've heard, as I have a number of troubling stories about circumstances surrounding the end of Tevynes Garsai, and the beginnings of Siaurines Krantas. Stories like the one claiming that Aldona Stempuziene didn't bother to inform WJCU General Manager Mark Krieger that she was planning to retire from the radio show in early May. I can tell you for a fact that the first call Aldona made after coming to her decision was to Mark Krieger. I know this to be true because I was one of the first people Mark called after hearing from Aldona.

In the past couple of weeks I've also heard the absurd tale that Siaurines Krantas needs money right away in order to pay its bill for airtime at WJCU. The truth is that WJCU provides airtime to selected community broadcasters free of charge. There is no "pay to play" here at WJCU. The only money that changes hands at WJCU is when listeners like you donate directly to the station every year at Radiothon time.

And speaking of Radiothon, I've also heard of some people quesitioning whether the money donated by Tevynes Garsai listeners during Radiothon 2010 was properly turned in to WJCU. I'm here to tell you that I personally accounted for, handled and submitted all Tevynes Garsai listener donations for the past three Radiothons. Further, John Carroll University sends out thank you letters to all listeners who donate by check or credit card. If WJCU never received your donation, how did they know to send you a thank you letter?

And finally, I've heard that the recording equipment here at WJCU actually belonged to Aldona Stempuziene, who took it with her when Tevynes Garsai left the airwaves. Again, I must inform those who started that rumor that they are quite mistaken. Within twenty feet of where I'm standing right now, there are not one, but two state-of-the-art production studios available for use by any WJCU staff member, including my friends here at Siaurines Krantas.

And how did WJCU pay for the equipment and furniture in those studios? The same way WJCU pays for everything else: with money you donated during past Radiothons.

So there you have it, I apologize if I bored you with too much trivial detail, but I have heard so much rumor and innuendo in the last two weeks, that I felt compelled to set the record straight with first hand facts.

Thanks again for listening, and I hope you continue to listen every week to Siaurines Krantas. Marius, Augis, Regina and Tadas are working very hard to bring you a great radio show every Sunday, and they are only getting better and better at that as time goes on. Iki.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Watch this Space…

The proprietors of Šiaurinis Krantas, the new Sunday morning Lithuanian Radio Program in Cleveland have indicated that they want to continue updating this blog with news from and about the Cleveland Lithuanian community.

So check back here starting Sunday, May 23rd for continued updates. And please tune in to WJCU/88.7 FM or between 8:00 and 10:00 am Sunday mornings for a new Lithuanian radio experience in Cleveland.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Farewell My Friends…

As we bring to a close this final episode of Tevynes Garsai, I want to make just a few personal comments while I have your ear.

First and foremost, I want to thank you for listening. I know I say that nearly every week, and I truly mean it. But today I want to emphasize that without listeners, radio means nothing. You are the reason this show has existed for over 60 years. So, thanks one last time for listening.

I'd also like to thank WJCU, and especially our General Manager, Mark Krieger. John Carroll University Radio has been especially good to the Lithuanian Voice over the years. This has been a great place to broadcast, and the people here are simply the best. I asked Mark to record a short message for you on the occasion of our last show, so let's hear that now.

On behalf of myself, and all of our listeners, I'd like to say a special thank you to Aldona Stempuzis. Aldona has had the unenviable task of not only putting up with me, but also coming up with a plan for a two hour radio show each week for the past 18 years. Neither of those are easy tasks, but I think you'll agree that she's done an outstanding job for far longer than she ever imagined.

Aldona, I can't imagine having taken this radio journey with anyone else. Through thick and thin, we both understood that we were a part of something bigger than any one person, and I'm immensely proud of what we were able to accomplish. No matter what comes along after we sign off today, no one will ever do it the way we did.

Aldona, I know you have some personal projects that have been pushed to the side in favor of the radio program. So I hope you will find the next chapter in her life even more rewarding than the previous ones. And finally Aldona, I want to thank you for all the wonderful meals you've cooked me over the years. I re-acquired my bicycling habit in part to offset the calories contained in all the delicious food you've prepared during our work sessions and air shifts.

I would be remiss if I didn't thank my wife Jean for her patience and understanding these last 18 years. Jean is responsible for connecting me to Aldona, not knowing what a couple hours in Aldona's basement would mushroom into. And the time I've invested in Tevynes Garsai has also been Jean's time in a sense, and I'm fortunate to be married to someone who understands why I do this. Thanks Jean, I'll see you right after the show.

As you may have heard by now, there will be a new Lithuanian program on WJCU, starting at 8:00 am on Sunday, May 23rd. It's gratifying to see that there is both a continuing demand and a supply for radio serving Cleveland Lithuanians. I hope you'll tune in with an open mind on May 23rd, and support the next generation of Lithuanian radio in Cleveland. I'll be helping the new people get started on the right foot with some technical assistance and training, but my main job will be to stay out of their way so they can realize their vision of a new Lithuanian radio program based in Cleveland.

My future plans include more sleep, more time to spend with Jean, and more cycling. I'll still have my hand in some projects here at WJCU, including Making the Case, a half-hour public affairs program I edit that airs each Wednesday afternoon at 12:30, plus the Irish Music Marathon with Uncle Fred every St. Patrick's Day. And I hope you'll still be able to find me behind the mixing board, providing sound reinforcement at Lithuanian events in Cleveland for some time to come.

Before I sign off, I want to make a point about service. I'm aware of the amount of time and energy that Aldona and I have invested in this radio program over the years. I also fully appreciate what this radio show has meant to our listeners, because so many of you have told us as much on a regular basis. And what I'm about to say doesn't diminish either of those facts in the least.

Whatever time and talent I've contributed to this program could never compare with what this program has given back to me. From the pride we feel in putting a quality show on the air each week, to the many friends and acquaintances I've made as a result of my involvement here, to the myriad of opportunities I've had come my way in the Lithuanian community and beyond, Tevynes Garsai has enriched my life as I never could have imagined back in 1992. Doing this show was not always easy, but I've always considered it the best use of my time.

My parents taught me and my sister by their example, that it's not enough to just bring home a paycheck, keep the house clean and mow the lawn. Mom and Dad were always and still are, helping some organization or school or family member or friend of a friend with whatever needs to be done. The lesson I learned early on is that the truly important things in this world happen only when people like you and me get involved and give of themselves without expecting to be compensated.

Service to others is the only way we can directly change the world for the better, and service to others is also how we can change ourselves for the better. So I encourage you to be "selfish" like me, and get involved with something you feel passionate about. You have more time and talent than you think you do, and when you give, you'll get back than you think you will.

And with that, I will climb down off my soapbox and thank you for listening one last time. Until we meet again, I wish you safety and happiness and every other good thing that life has to offer. Atsisveikinu iki kito karto; farewell until next time we see each other. Sudiev.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 9, 2010

The singers of Naujoji Intriga would like to thank all who attended their Mother's Day brunch last weekend. They hope you and your mom enjoyed the morning.

Today the traditional American celebration of Mother's Day
will take place with a special buffet from 12 noon to 2:00 pm at Lithuanian Village. Reserve your family table by this Thursday, May 6th.

There is still time to donate to the Lithuanian Franciscans cancer support center project in Lithuania. Now through May 23rd, you can make your check payable to St. Casimir, and place it in an envelope marked "Lithuanian Cancer Center".

Today at 11:15 am, the Cleveland Ateitininkinai will hold their annual meeting in the upper hall at St. Casimir Parish. Lukas Laniauskas, S.J will be the keynote speaker.

Cleveland City Councilman Michael Polensek invites you to the official groundbreaking for the Collinwood Community and Recreation Center, next Saturday, May 15th at 10:00 am. The new rec center will be located at 16500 Lakeshore Boulevard.

On Monday, May 31st, Catholic War Veterans Post 613, now sponsored by St. Casimir Parish, will commemorate Memorial Day with a flag raising at the freedom monument in front of the St. Casimir rectory at 8:30 am. The Memorial Day ceremony will conclude with breakfast in the lower hall. The entire parish is invited.

Don't forget that the Academic Scouts Filisterai will present soprano Virginija Muliolis and pianist Michael Borowitz in the upper hall at St. Casimir on Saturday, June 5th.

St. Casimir Parish will hold a tag sale fund raiser on Saturday, June 12th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on the Neff Road parking lot. If you can spare a few hours to help with this event, please contact the coordinator Joan Carpenter at 216-486-5649.

Father Bacevicius sent a lovely greeting this week via email:
On behalf of the entire community of St. Casimir Parish, I want to thank Aldona and Greg for their service to the Lithuanian Community. For the last 18 years Aldona was the Lithuanian voice of Tevynes Garsai and Greg was the English voice. Both of their efforts really enhanced the quality of Lithuanian life in Cleveland, keeping the people informed of news and entertained with our beautiful culture. I wish both Greg and Aldona all the best in the future, and as pastor, I can now say: "See you in Church!"

God Bless you,

Fr. Joe Bacevice
Pastor, St. Casimir Parish
And this morning I received a card from the members of Exultate, along with their director Rita Kliorys:
It is with sadness that we say "Goodbye" to the Tevynes Garsai Lithuanian radio program, which for 60+ years was a source of information, news and music for the Lithuanians of Cleveland and its vicinity. It's amazing (and tiring) to think of the countless hours and sweat that went into the preparation of each Sunday's radio program by + Juozas, Aldona and Greg, along with the countless number of people who helped along the way in all those years.

The EXULTATE choir would like to thank you and Tevynes Garsai for all the help we received from you in the 28 year history of our choir. You have been with us every step of the way, advertising our goings on, playing our songs, recording and miking our concerts. For that we are ever grateful. It has been great working with you.

With this we say a most sincere thank you, THANK YOU for all that has been Tevynes Garsai! We, along with all of the Lithuanians in Cleveland will feel a huge loss in your absence.

So, as the radio program comes to its closing, we'd like to wish you many peaceful Sunday mornings, when you don't have to run to the studio barely having awoken. Well, and if you do have to wake up, it's to go on one of those long bike rides you enjoy! We hope this is not the last we see of you, that you will find many new projects to work on, and we hope that we can rely on your help in the future when organizing concerts. But for now, enjoy the newly acquired free time, freedom and bask in the wealth of memories of the very dear Tevynes Garsai!
I also want to thank Genovaite Karsokiene for the lovely card she sent this week. Ponia Karsokiene is one of our many loyal listeners, who always greeted us every year at Christmas.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May 2, 2010

We send a special welcome to the athletes and spectators of the LAUNA Games which wrap up today Cleveland. The young and young at heart played hard and then partied even harder Friday and Saturday night with the music of Augis Dicevicius and Romas Dambrauskas, with the Cavs game on in the background. Add copious quantities of Lithuanian beer, and you've got a recipe for a very good time.

Mothers Day is coming up and in Lithuania, it's traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of May, which is today. So this morning, the singers of Naujoji Intriga invite you to honor mothers, grandmothers, godmothers with a special spring Lithuanian Mothers Day brunch in the hall after 10:00 am Mass. You'll have a chance to feast on special foods prepared by Naujoji Intriga as well as hear them perform beautiful songs dedicated to the honored guests, and will present all moms with a spring blossom.

If you can't make it to the brunch, the singers will be glad to pack you a “brunch in a box” to take to your mom to help you celebrate the day. Proceeds from this event will help the group defray some of the expenses at the Dainu Svente this July.

On Sunday, May 9th, the traditional American celebration of Mother's Day will take place with a special buffet from 12 noon to 2:00 pm at Lithuanian Village. Reserve your family table by this Thursday, May 6th.

You're invited to join the faculty and students of St. Casimir Lithuanistic School next Saturday, May 8th at 11:00 am in the lower hall at St. Casimir Parish, as they celebrate the accomplishments of another academic year.

The Cleveland Pensininkai will hold their monthly lunch meeting at Gintaras in Lithuanian Village this coming Thursday, May 7th at 12 noon. Members and guest are invited to attend.

The Lithuanian Franciscans are building a cancer support center in Lithuania. A delegation of Franciscan fathers was recently in Cleveland to see how we do things here, and to ask for financial support for their project. Now through May 23rd, you're asked to make a donation to this cause via St. Casimir. You can make your check payable to St. Casimir, and place it in an envelope marked "Lithuanian Cancer Center".

The Lithuanian Catholic Organization Ateitis was founded 100 years ago in Europe with the goal of promoting Catholic culture among college students. Today, its membership encompasses all age groups and the group has chapters throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. On Sunday, May 9th at 11:15 am, the Cleveland Ateitininkinai will hold their yearly meeting in the upper hall at St. Casimir Parish. Members will renew their pledges and listen to keynote speaker Lukas Laniauskas, S.J. The program will be conducted in the Lithuanian language.

Cleveland City Councilman Michael Polensek invites you to the official groundbreaking for the Collinwood Community and Recreation Center, Saturday, May 15th at 10:00 am. The new rec center will be located at 16500 Lakeshore Boulevard.

It's good to see that some traditions continue. On Monday, May 31st, Catholic War Veterans Post 613, now sponsored by St. Casimir Parish, will commemorate Memorial Day with a flag raising at the freedom memorial in front of the St. Casimir rectory at 8:30 am. The Memorial Day commemoration will conclude with breakfast in the lower hall. The entire parish is invited.

Don't forget that the Academic Scouts Filisterai will present soprano Virginija Muliolis and pianist Michael Borowitz in the upper hall at St. Casimir on Saturday, June 5th.

The St. Casimir Parish Council Steering Committee is in the process of drafting the parish mission statement. If you're a member of St. Casimir Parish, your input is greatly valued in this process. To present your ideas, please contact one of the committee members. The Steering Committee is comprised of Fr. Bacevicius, Kestutis Civinskas, Vytas Kliorys, Grazina Kudukis, Egle Laniauskas, Marius Laniauskas, Regina Motiejunas, Hilde Novak, Robert Raddell, Erin Randel Faye Roth, Rudolph Simoncic, and Jackie Taylor. The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be this coming Tuesday, May 4th at 7:30 pm in the rectory conference room.

Don't forget that next Sunday, May 9th will be the final broadcast of Tevynes Garsai. We have a special program planned for next Sunday, and it's one you won't want to miss.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

First up this morning, congratulations to Svyturys and their leaders Ausrine and Ricardas Sirvinskas on a huge success with Juventus last night at St. Casimir. Three hundred attendees enjoyed a fantastic performance of Lithuanian folk dancing by Spindulys, Gintaras, Grandis and Svturys, followed by a wonderful meal courtesy of Europa. The young and young at heart danced the night away after dinner to music provided by DJ Eugenijius Dicevicius.

Juventus 2010 came off without a hitch, thanks to the hard work of a small army of Cleveland Lithuanians, who coordinated food, music and a hundred other details to perfection. They made it all look very easy, and that's a sign of a well-run event. Special thanks to Juventus 2010 committee members Ausrine and Ricardas Sirvinskas, Beate Ciurlionis, Marius Juodisius, Virginija Rubinski, Jonas Totoraitis, and Darius Stansiskis.

We send a special welcome to all the dancers, directors and chaperones who are visiting Cleveland this weekend from Toronto and Chicago. I hope you're enjoying your stay here in Cleveland, and we wish you safe travels home this afternoon.

This morning, 10:00 mass at St. Casimir
will celebrate the feast of St. George, the patron saint of Scouts.The Cleveland Lithuanian Scouts will have a special role in this morning's liturgy.

The Lithuanian Franciscans are building a cancer support center in Lithuania. A delegation of Franciscan fathers was recently in Cleveland to see how we do things here, and to ask for financial support for their project. Beginning this weekend through May 23rd, you're asked to make a donation to this cause via St. Casimir. You can make your check payable to St. Casimir, and place it in an envelope marked "Lithuanian Cancer Center".

Next weekend, May 1st and 2nd, the LAUNA Games will be held in Cleveland. The buffet will be open at Lithuanian Village from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm in the Gintaras Dining Room The sports events wrap up at 5:00 pm, and at 8:00 pm Romas Dambrauskas will perform in the upstairs hall at Lithuanian Village. Following the Dambrauskas concert there will be dance music from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am courtesy of DJ Eugenijus Dicevicius.

Mothers Day is coming soon, and in Lithuania, it is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of May, which falls on May 2nd this year. So on Sunday, May 2nd, the singers of Naujoji Intriga invite you to honor mothers, grandmothers, godmothers with a special spring Lithuanian Mothers Day brunch in the hall after 10:00 am Mass. You'll have a chance to feast on special foods prepared by Naujoji Intriga as well as hear them perform beautiful songs dedicated to the honored guests, and will present all moms with a spring blossom.

If you can't make it to the brunch, the singers will be glad to pack you a “brunch in a box” to take to your mom to help you celebrate the day. Proceeds from this event will help the group defray some of the expenses at the Dainu Svente this July.

And on Sunday, May 9th, the traditional American celebration of Mother's Day will take place with a special buffet from 12 noon to 2:00 pm at Lithuanian Village. Reserve your family table by Thursday, May 6th.

The Lithuanian Catholic Organization Ateitis was founded 100 years ago in Europe with the goal of promoting Catholic culture among college students. Today, its membership encompasses all age groups and the group has chapters throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. On Sunday, May 9th at 11:15 am, the Cleveland Ateitininkinai will hold their yearly meeting in the upper hall at St. Casimir Parish. Members will renew their pledges and listen to keynote speaker Lukas Laniauskas, S.J. The program will be conducted in the Lithuanian language.

Cleveland City Councilman Michael Polensek invites you to the official groundbreaking for the Collinwood Community and Recreation Center, Saturday, May 15th at 10:00. The new rec center will be located at 16500 Lakeshore Boulevard. This project has been on the drawing board for many years, and it's great to see it finally moving forward.

Don't forget that the Academic Scouts Filisterai will present soprano Virginija Muliolis and pianist Michael Borowitz in the upper hall at St. Casimir on Saturday, June 5th.

Now, on a personal and programming note, you may have heard Aldona mention during her Cleveland News update, that Tevynes Garsai, the Lithuanian Voice will cease broadcasting permanently next month. After more than 60 years on the air, and more than 22 years on WJCU, our last show will be Sunday May 9th.

This coming Tuesday, April 27th, WJCU will hold its annual awards banquet, and Aldona will be honored for her 18 years of service to John Carroll University radio.

We'll talk more about this next Sunday, and of course during our final broadcast on the 9th, but for the moment let me just make a couple comments on this subject.

It goes without saying that that is a decision not taken lightly. Aldona made this decision after a great deal of thought and reflection, and I support her decision 100%.

The natural question on peoples' minds anytime we deal with a major change such as this is "why?" There are many factors that go into a decision such as this, but I think the best way to sum it up is to simply say, "It's time."

The second question you're probably asking is "will there be a new Lithuanian radio program on Sunday morning?" The answer to that question is that no one knows the answer to that question yet. Tevynes Garsai has enjoyed a great relationship with WJCU for over 22 years. I know that WJCU station manager Mark Krieger is open to the idea of a continuing Lithuanian presence on this station's Sunday morning schedule.

I know there are many smart and talented people in the Cleveland Lithuanian community who would be good candidates to host a weekly radio program. Radio broadcasting is very rewarding, and also a good bit more difficult than it looks from a listener's perspective.
So we will see what the future brings.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

Congratulations to Dalia Zemaityte, who was recently honored with the 2010 Judson Smart Living Award for Healthcare. For more information, check out

This afternoon at 3:00 pm
Lithuanian Village will host a special 100th Birthday Party for Domicele Sirvaitis who turned 100 on April 5th. Ilgausiu Metu, Ponia Sirvaitiene.

Tomorrow, April 19th, from 4:30-8:00 pm, Lithuanian Village will host a Celebration of Life for Birute Bruzas in the Gintaras Dining Room. Our deepest sympathy to Club members Joseph and Tony Bruzas on the loss of their mother this past week.

The St. Casimir Parish Steering Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 20th at 7:30 pm in the rectory conference room.

Juventus is next Saturday, April 24th, and Cleveland's Svyturys is preparing to welcome 168 dancers from Toronto, Chicago, Lemont, performing both traditional and new Lithuanian folk dances. The dance performance will be followed by dinner catered by Europa. The evening concludes with dance music courtesy of DJ Eugenius Dicevicius. There are only a few tickets remaining, and you can get yours from Ricardas Sirvinskas after mass today at St. Casimir.

A word to the wise for St. Casimir parishioners next weekend: arrive early for weekend masses, and be prepared for a bit of a walk to get to church. Several hundred people will gather at St. Casimir next Saturday evening for Juventus, and on Sunday morning for an 8:15 breakfast and 10:00 mass. Buses for the dancers will be parked off-site and police will be on hand to direct traffic, but your patience would be a big help as well.

The Lithuanian Franciscans are building a cancer support center in Lithuania. A delegation of Franciscan fathers was recently in Cleveland to see how we do things here, and to ask for financial support for their project. Beginning next weekend through May 23rd, you're asked to make a donation to this cause via St. Casimir. You can make your check payable to St. Casimir, and place it in an envelope marked "Lithuanian Cancer Center".

On the weekend of May 1st and 2nd, the LAUNA Games will be held in Cleveland. The buffet will be open at Lithuanian Village from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm in the Gintaras Dining Room The sports events wrap up at 5:00 pm, and at 8:00 pm Romas Dambrauskas will perform in the upstairs hall at Lithuanian Village. Following the Dambrauskas concert there will be dance music from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am courtesy of DJ Eugenijus Dicevicius.

Mothers Day is coming soon, and in Lithuania, it is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of May, which falls on May 2nd this year. So on Sunday, May 2nd, the singers of Naujoji Intriga invite you to honor mothers, grandmothers, godmothers with a special spring Lithuanian Mothers Day brunch in the hall after 10:00 am Mass. You'll have a chance to feast on special foods prepared by Naujoji Intriga as well as hear them perform beautiful songs dedicated to the honored guests, and will present all moms with a spring blossom.

If you can't make it to the brunch, the singers will be glad to pack you a “brunch in a box” to take to your mom to help you celebrate the day. Proceeds from this event will help the group defray some of the group expenses at the Dainu Svente this July.

And on Sunday, May 9th, the traditional American celebration of Mother's Day will take place with a special buffet from 12 noon to 2:00 pm at Lithuanian Village. Reserve your family table by Thursday, May 6th.

Two members of the Vaitkus family are exhibiting their photographs in area shows this spring. Dr. Linas Vaitkus is showing his black and white photography in the Physician Art Show at Southwest General Health Center in Middleburgh Heights. That show runs now through May 1st.

Linas Petras Vaitkus, a senior at Cleveland State University, has had his photographs accepted to the 39th Annual Student Art Show. The show is at the CSU Art Gallery, located at 2307 Chester Avenue, and runs now through May 8th.

Don't forget that the Academic Scouts Filisterai will present soprano Virginija Muliolis and pianist Michael Borowitz in the upper hall at St. Casimir on Saturday, June 5th.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

We send our condolences to the family of Vincent P. Taraska, who passed away on April 5th at Hospice House in Cleveland. He was 94 years old.

Vincent P. Taraska was born in Lithuania, lived in Alberta, Canada and Cleveland before moving to Wickliffe 43 years ago.

Funeral services were held yesterday at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Wickliffe.

As you've no doubt read or heard, Polish President Lech Kaczynski
and his wife, along with most of the country's top military leaders were killed in a plane crash in Russia on Saturday. We also send our sympathies to the Polish people, including Poles and those of Polish heritage here in northeast Ohio. This is a national and international tragedy of unimaginable proportions.

On a brighter note, Father Joseph Bacevicius
celebrated a milestone birthday this past Thursday. It's one of those birthdays that ends in a zero, and I'll leave to your imagination as to which one. In any event, we send our best birthday wishes to the pastor of St. Casimir church, Father Joseph Bacevicius.

Last night's planned concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis
has been postponed until June 5th due to illness. We wish Virginija a speedy recovery.

This morning Vaiko Vartai i Moksla
invites everyone to lunch, served immediately after 10 o'clock Mass in St. Casimir’s Parish lower hall. “Child’s Gate to Learning” works with neglected and abused children in Lithuania. It has established 10 after school centers, where children can come and spend a few hours each day. Proceeds from lunch today will benefit these after-school centers.

Also today, the traditional Children's Easter
will be held after 10:00 am mass in the lower at St. Casimir. All pre-school age children are invited to this fun event.

The St. Casimir Parish Steering Committee
will meet on Tuesday, April 20th at 7:30 pm in the rectory conference room. Minutes from the last meeting will be sent to committee members this week.

Juventus is only a few weeks away, on April 24th.
This event will feature 168 dancers from Toronto, Chicago, Lemont, and of course our own Svyturys from right here in Cleveland, performing both traditional and new Lithuanian folk dances. The dance performance will be followed by dinner catered by Europa. The evening concludes with an opportunity for you to get out on the dance floor. Tickets and information are available by calling Ricardas Sirvinskas at

Romas Dambrauskas
will perform at Lithuanian Village on Saturday, May 1st, as part of the LAUNA Games which will be going on in Cleveland that weekend.

Two members of the Vaitkus family
will be exhibiting their photographs in area shows this spring. Dr. Linas Vaitkus is showing his black and white photography in the Physician Art Show at Southwest General Health Center in Middleburgh Heights. That show runs now through May 1st.

Linas Petras Vaitkus, a senior at Cleveland State University, has had his photographs accepted to the 39th Annual Student Art Show. The show is at the CSU Art Gallery, located at 2307 Chester Avenue, and runs now through May 8th.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 4, 2010

Congratulations to Vincas Apanius who last week celebrated his 95th birthday. Ilgausiu Metu Ponas Apanius, we all wish many happy returns for you, and that we would be so healthy and long-lived as you.

Don't forget that there is no 10:00 am mass at St. Casimir this morning. Your last remaining opportunity to participate in Easter liturgy at St. Casimir is at 12 noon today. The Easter flowers decorating St. Casimir's this weekend were donated by the family of Birute Vedegys in her memory.

A part of the main altar from St. George church recently found a new home at St. Bartholomew Anglican Church in Woodinville, Washington. Upon learning of the altar's origin, Father Robert T. Davis, rector of St. Bart's reached out to both the greater Seattle Lithuanian community, and to former members of St. George parish here in Cleveland. In several emails and blog postings this week, Father Davis enthusiastically embraced and honored the altar's history as part of the oldest Lithuanian church in the United States. He even celebrated Palm Sunday services wearing a stole embroidered in the traditional Lithuanian style, and he's from Texas. Davis says the welcome mat is always out for Cleveland Lithuanians who find themselves in the Seattle area.

In order to fully appreciate this story, you have to understand that once a church closes, its sacred art, artifacts and furnishings basically become commodities in the market of religious supplies. An outside company safeguards the items, and sells them on behalf of the Cleveland diocese in this case. Churches like St. Bart's browse the available items and select an altar like you or I would buy a new sofa for the living room: based on size, style, color and price.

It says a lot about both St. Bart's and St. George's when we see Fr. Davis not only notice the heritage and history of his church's new altar, but celebrate it in such a public way, and the parishioners of the former St. George church to respond so positively, even as they see parts of their beloved church turning up in new and unexpected places.

This is a bit like the family and friends of an organ donor, who can find comfort in the fact that even though their loved one is no longer with them, his or her heart, liver, and kidneys help give life to others in need.

For the complete story, including photos of the altar in its new home, please visit

Another part of the St. George altar is on its way to a seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Next Saturday is the date for the Welcoming Spring concert
presented by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis. The concert will take place at the St. Casimir auditorium and is presented by the Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai. Virginija will be accompanied on piano by Michael Borowitz, and together they'll perform works by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Grieg, Dvorak, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Lerner & Lowe, and others. The concert starts at 7:00 pm and tickets and information are available by calling 216-631-2010.

On Sunday, April 11th, the organization Vaiko Vartai i Moksla
invites everyone to lunch, served immediately after 10 o'clock Mass in St. Casimir’s Parish lower hall. “Child’s Gate to Learning” works with neglected and abused children in Lithuania. It has established 10 after school centers, where children can come and spend a few hours each day. The children get help with their homework, are taught good behavior, and are able to spend a small part of their day in a normal and loving environment. Proceeds from the lunch will benefit these after-school centers.

Also on Sunday April 11th
, the traditional Children's Easter will be held after 10:00 am mass in the lower at St. Casimir. All pre-school age children are invited to this fun event.

Don't forget that Juventus is coming up on April 24th. This event will feature 168 dancers from Toronto, Chicago, Lemont, and of course our own Svyturys from right here in Cleveland, performing both traditional and new Lithuanian folk dances. The dance performance will be followed by dinner catered by Europa. The evening concludes with an opportunity for you to get out on the dance floor. Tickets and information are available by calling Ricardas Sirvinskas at 440-749-2121.

According to Friday's Plain Dealer, a federal judge ruled this week that a lawsuit filed by Joe Jurevicius against the Cleveland Browns can go forward. The Browns had claimed that the suit should be dismissed because the NFL collective bargaining agreement has a provision for arbitration. Jurevicius alleges that the Browns and Cleveland Clinic neglected to inform him about potentially hazardous conditions at the Browns training facility in Berea, which led to a persistent staph infection acquired after arthroscopic knee surgery.

The Onion bills itself as America's Finest News Source
. What's not so obvious in that claim is that it's also America's finest fake news source. The Onion is such well written parody that many unsuspecting folks are taken into believing the stories are real. This week The Onion turned its wit on Cavaliers center Zydrunas Ilgauskas with an article claiming that Ilgauskas is unsure of his ancestry, finally concluding that he must be from Turkey. Read the article at

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28, 2010

This morning we send our condolences to the family of Birute Vedegys, who passed away this week after a protracted battle with cancer. Birute was a quiet, but active member of St. George and St. Casimir parishes, and her company, Biruta Designs created First Communion dresses worn by many young girls in the Cleveland area. The funeral mass for Birute Vedegys was held yesterday at St. Casimir. The full obituary is available in the News-Herald.

The Holy Week schedule for St. Casimir Parish is as follows: Holy Thursday mass at 7:00 pm on April 1st, Good Friday Commemoration at 7:00 pm on April 2nd. Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies will be in Lithuanian and English.

The Blessing of Food will be held on Saturday, at 1:30 pm.

The Easter Vigil will be celebrated at 9:00 pm on Saturday, April 3rd, in English. Easter Sunday morning masses will be on April 4th at 8:00 am in Lithuanian, and 12 noon in English. There will be no 10:00 am mass on Easter Sunday. Confessions will be heard at 6:00 pm on Holy Thursday and Good Friday evenings.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai invite you to a concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis entitled Welcoming Spring, on Saturday, April 10th in the upper hall at St. Casimir. Virginija will be accompanied on piano by Michael Borowitz, and together they'll perform works by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Grieg, Dvorak, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Lerner & Lowe, and others. Tickets and information are available by calling 216-631-2010.

On Sunday, April 11th, the organization "Child's Gate to Learning" invites everyone to lunch, served immediately after 10 o'clock Mass in St. Casimir’s Parish lower hall. “Child’s Gate to Learning” works with neglected and abused children in Lithuania. It has established 10 after school centers, where children can come and spend a few hours each day. The children get help with their homework, are taught good behavior, and are able to spend a small part of their day in a normal and loving environment. Proceeds from the lunch will benefit these after-school centers.

Also on Sunday April 11th, the traditional Children's Easter will be held after 10:00 am mass in the lower at St. Casimir. All pre-school age children are invited to this fun event.

Don't forget that Juventus is coming up on April 24th. This event will feature 168 dancers from Gintaras of Toronto, Grandis of Chicago, Spindulys of Lemont, and of course our own Svyturys performing both traditional and new Lithuanian folk dances. The dance performance will be followed by dinner catered by Europa. The evening concludes with an opportunity for you to get out on the dance floor. Tickets and information are available by calling Ricardas Sirvinskas at 440-749-2121.

As a new parish, St. Casimir's is trying to identify parish programs that would be beneficial and interesting to all members. If you have an idea for a new parish program, please contact Teresa Craighead at 216-469-6088 or by email at

Toronto will be the host city for the 9th Lithuanian Song Festival, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 1,100 singers from North America and all over Europe are expected to participate, and the guest artist will be Marijonas Mikutavicius. Tickets and information are available at

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010

Congratulations to Exultate on the release of their most recent CD entitled Life - A Sacred Song. You can acquire your copy of this CD at the St. Casimir parish bookstore, or by contacting Rita Kliorys via email at, or by calling 216-531-6459.

The Lithuanian Scouts of Cleveland will welcome the start of Spring by presenting their annual Kaziuko Muge fundraiser this morning at 11:00 am in the upper hall at St. Casimir. Admission is free, and dinner, tortes, pastry and hand crafts will available for purchase.

If you're a member of the St. Casimir Parish Steering Committee, the first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:00 pm in the rectory conference room. Dr. David DeLambo of the diocesan pastoral planning office will give a presentation on examples of parish council constitutions and parish mission statements.

Fr. Bacevicius would like to thank everyone for their well wishes and support during his recovery from arm surgery recently. He reports that his hand and arm are healing well, and he should be fully recovered in a few weeks.

There are no Lithuanian films this year at the Cleveland International Film Festival, but Marius Juodisius passed along information about a Estonian film showing this week. December Heat is a action drama based on the attempted Communist takeover of Tallin on December 1st, 1924. The film was directed by Asko Kase, and runs 90 minutes. It's in Estonian and Russian with subtitles, and screens at Tower City Cinemas on Tuesday at 2:00 pm, Wednesday at 7:30 pm, and again on Thursday at 9:20 am. Complete information is available at

The Holy Week schedule for St. Casimir Parish is as follows: Holy Thursday mass at 7:00 pm on April 1st, Good Friday Commemoration at 7:00 pm on April 2nd. Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies will be in Lithuanian and English. The Easter Vigil will be celebrated at 9:00 pm on Saturday, April 3rd, in English. Easter Sunday morning masses will be on April 4th at 8:00 am in Lithuanian, and 12 noon in English. There will be no 10:00 am mass on Easter Sunday. Confessions will be heard at 6:00 pm on Holy Thursday and Good Friday evenings.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai invite you to a concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis entitled Welcoming Spring, on Saturday, April 10th in the upper hall at St. Casimir. Virginija will be accompanied on piano by Michael Borowitz, and together they'll perform works by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Grieg, Dvorak, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Lerner & Lowe, and others. Tickets and information are available by calling 216-631-2010

Don't forget that Juventus is coming up on April 24th. This event will feature 168 dancers from Gintaras of Toronto, Grandis of Chicago, Spindulys of Lemont, and of course our own Svyturys performing both traditional and new Lithuanian folk dances. The dance performance will be followed by dinner catered by Europa. The evening concludes with an opportunity for you to get out on the dance floor. Tickets and information are available by calling Ricardas Sirvinskas at 440-749-2121.

Toronto will be the host city for the 9th Lithuanian Song Festival, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 1,100 singers from North America and all over Europe are expected to participate, and the guest artist will be Marijonas Mikutavicius. Tickets and information are available at

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010

I hope you remembered to set your clocks one hour ahead, last night, as we changed back to Daylight Saving Time. Think about that extra hour of daylight you'll be enjoying this evening as you're rubbing your tired eyes this morning.

Congratulations to Exultate on the release of their most recent CD entitled Life - A Sacred Song. And congratulations on a very successful CD release party this past Friday night.

Father Bacevicius would like to thank all who attended the March 4th celebration of the feast of St. Casimir, with a special thanks to Rita Klorys and Exultate for the special music.

The Senior Scouts Zidinys celebrated the March 11th Day of Lithuanian Independence this past Thursday with a special program featuring guest speaker Nomeda Vucianis, and music by Eugenijus Dicevicius. The St. Casimir Lithuanian Saturday School also celebrated March 11 last Saturday. The planned celebration at Lietuviu Sodyba was postponed because of Father Bacevicius' arm surgery, and we wish him a full and speedy recovery.

During Lent, St. Casimir is joining with St. Jerome's, Holy Redeemer and St. Mary's
for a special Lenten spiritual series each Monday evening during Lent. Tomorrow, March 15th the Lenten observance will be held at 7:00 pm at St. Casimir. Mass will be followed by a social in the lower hall. Volunteers are needed at 2:00 pm to set up the hall; please call Hilde Novak at 216-481-1957 if you can help. On March 22nd there will be a Lenten penance service at Holy Redeemer on Kipling Avenue.

Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid will ask for your support on this morning at St. Casimir. The members of the Cleveland Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid committee are Father Joseph Bacevicius, Zenonas Obelenis, Henrikas Stasas, Regina Silgalis.

If you're a fan of the style of music performed by Antanas Sabanisuaskas, you may be interested in an upcoming broadcast on WVIZ/PBS Channel 25. Max Raabe and das Palast Orchester is from Berlin and the group performs European music that was popular in the 1920's and 30's. A couple of my Lithuanian friends saw Max Raabe and his group when they appeared at E.J. Thomas Hall in Akron recently, and they enjoyed the show very much. The upcoming broadcast on WVIZ is next Sunday morning at 2:00 am, so unless you're up verayset your Tivo or DVR or VCR, or whatever to record the program.

The Lithuanian Scouts of Cleveland will welcome the start of Spring by presenting their annual Kaziuko Muge fundraiser next Sunday, March 21st at 11:00 am in the upper hall at St. Casimir.

If you're a member of the St. Casimir Parish Steering Committee, the first meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 23rd at 7:00 pm in the rectory conference room. Dr. David DeLambo of the diocesan pastoral planning office will give a presentation on examples of parish council constitutions and parish mission statements.

The Holy Week schedule for St. Casimir Parish is as follows: Holy Thursday mass at 7:00 pm on April 1st, Good Friday Commemoration at 7:00 pm on April 2nd. Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies will be in Lithuanian and English. The Easter Vigil will be celebrated at 9:00 pm on Saturday, April 3rd, in English. Easter Sunday morning masses will be on April 4th at 8:00 am in Lithuanian, and 12 noon in English. There will be no 10:00 am mass on Easter Sunday. Confessions will be heard at 6:00 pm on Holy Thursday and Good Friday evenings.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai invite you to a concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis entitled Welcoming Spring, on Saturday, April 10th in the upper hall at St. Casimir. Virginija will be accompanied on piano by Michael Borowitz, and together they'll perform works by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Grieg, Dvorak, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Lerner & Lowe, and others. Tickets and information are available by calling 216-631-0210.

Don't forget that Juventus is coming up on April 24th. This event will feature 168 dancers from Gintaras of Toronto, Grandis of Chicago, Spindulys of Lemont, and of course our own Svyturys performing both traditional and new Lithuanian folk dances. The dance performance will be followed by dinner catered by Europa. The evening concludes with an opportunity for you to get out on the dance floor. Tickets and information are available by calling Ricardas Sirvinskas at 440-749-2121.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010

Our world traveler listener Regina Motiejunaiate sends greetings to friends and family this week from Bangkok, Thailand.

Check out
for photos and videos from Cleveland's recent celebration of Lithuanian Independence Day.

This coming Thursday, March 11th,
the Lietuviu Sodyba in Wickliffe will celebrate the anniversary of the end of Soviet domination of Lithuania. Sodyba President Maryte Stachnik and Administrator Dana Cipkus invite everyone to this 2:00 pm celebration on Thursday, just call 440-944-6305.

During Lent, St. Casimir is joining with St. Jerome's, Holy Redeemer and St. Mary's
for a special Lenten spiritual series each Monday evening during Lent. Tomorrow, March 8th the Lenten observance will be at St. Mary's, and on March 15th at St. Casimir. On March 22nd there will be a penance service at Holy Redeemer.

Exultate invites you to a CD release party for their most recent recording, entitled Life - A Sacred Song. The CD release party will take place on Friday, March 12th at 7:00 pm in the lower hall at St. Casimir. There will be refreshments, and you'll have a chance to hear excerpts from the new CD, and purchase a copy at a special discounted price.

Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid will ask for your support on the weekend of March 13th and 14th at St. Casimir. For more information please contact chairperson Zenonas Obelenis.

Next Saturday we set our clocks one hour ahead, lose an hour of sleep, and change back to Daylight Saving Time. Don't forget to Spring Ahead next weekend so you don't miss the first hour of the Lithuanian Voice.

The Lithuanian Scouts of Cleveland will welcome the start of Spring by presenting their annual Kaziuko Muge fundraiser on Sunday, March 21st at 11:00 am in the upper hall at St. Casimir.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai will sponsor a concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis on Saturday, April 10th in the upper hall at St. Casimir.

Don't forget that Juventus is coming up on April 24th. Mark your calendar to celebrate Lithuanian-American youth and the tradition of folk dance with groups from Cleveland, Chicago and Toronto. More details to come in the next few weeks.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

Good news about Radiothon 2010: Tevynes Garsai listeners came through for WJCU in a big way again this year, contributing about 10% of the overall total raised during Radiothon. The other great thing about our listeners is that they fulfill their Radiothon pledges very quickly, which makes life easier for everyone. There are just a few folks who have not yet sent in their checks, so consider this a gentle reminder to follow up on your Radiothon pledge if you have not already done so.

If you're a member of Taupa
, the Lithuanian Credit Union here in Cleveland, the Taupa annual meeting will be held this morning at 11:30 in the conference room at St. Casimir.

This afternoon, St. Casimir parish
will hold an early spring cleaning party for all organizations that use the St. Casimir facilities. The idea is to get rid of items that are no longer needed from the school building and gymnasium. The party starts at 1:00 pm today. All organizations that use parish facilities are asked to participate, and students looking for service opportunities are also encouraged to participate. If you haven't already contacted the rectory, please
see Fr. Bacevicius after mass to let him know you'll be there to help.

During Lent, St. Casimir will join with St. Jerome's, Holy Redeemer and St. Mary's for a special Lenten spiritual series each Monday evening during Lent. Tomorrow, March 1st the mass and social will be at Holy Redeemer. On March 8th the Lenten observance will be at St. Mary's, and on March 15th at St. Casimir. On March 22nd there will be a penance service at Holy Redeemer.

This Thursday, March 4th is the feast of St. Casimir
, and you're invited to a special feast day liturgy and Eucharistic Devotion beginning at 7:00 pm. The mass will be celebrated in both Lithuanian and English, and will feature special music presented by Exultate under the direction of Rita Kliorys.

Also this Thursday, the Cleveland Lithuanian Pensininkiu Klubas invites you to its monthly lunch meeting at 12 noon Lithuanian Village.

Exultate invites you to a CD release party for their most recent recording, entitled Life - A Sacred Song. The CD release party will take place on Friday, March 12th at 7:00 pm in the lower hall at St. Casimir. There will be refreshments, and you'll have a chance to hear excerpts from the new CD, and purchase a copy at a special discounted price.

The Zaibas Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event next Saturday, March 6th is sold out.

Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid will ask for your support on the weekend of March 13th and 14th at St. Casimir. For more information please contact chairperson Zenonas Obelenis.

The Lithuanian Scouts of Cleveland will present their annual Kaziuko Muge fundraiser on Sunday, March 21st at 11:00 am in the upper hall at St. Casimir.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai are pleased to announce that they will sponsor a concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis on Saturday, April 10th in the upper hall at St. Casimir.

Fr. Joseph Bacevicius is pleased to announce the membership of the St. Casimir Parish Steering Committee. Steering Committee members are
Jackie Caruso-Taylor, Kestutis Civinskas, Vytas Kliorys, Grazina Kudukis, Marius Laniauskas, Egle Laniauskas, Regina Motiejunas, Hilde Novak, Robert Raddell, Erin Randel, Faye Roth, and Rudolph Simoncic.

The Steering Committee will be responsible for writing the Parish Council constitution, composing a parish mission statement. The committee's work will conclude with organizing parish council elections.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Firstly, congratulations to the Cleveland Bendromene on a well put-together celebration this afternoon and last evening. Trying new concepts in an effort to generate more interest (and hopefully more attendance) at these events is always risky.

Changes to this year's V-16 Mineimas included a luncheon after 10:00 Mass at St. Casimir's and a 1:00 pm start time. I'm told an informal dance party at Lithuanian Village on Saturday night was well-received, especially by families with children. The artistic part of the Sunday afternoon program consisted of singing, poetry and folk dancing, all performed by members of the "third wave" of Lithuanian immigrants.

U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich made a brief appearance, and Cleveland City Councilman Mike Polensek kept his V-16 streak alive at 33 conscecutive appearances. The Bendromene leadership made the unusal (and classy) move of presenting Councilman Polensek, Senator George Voinovich (representated by staffer Mike Brown) and Father Joseph Bacevice with proclamations recognizing their contributions to the Lithuanian community in Cleveland. Dr. Viktoras Stankus made a special point to publicly welcome Fr. Bacevice as the new pastor of Cleveland's Lithuanian Catholic parish.

The performers (Ona Zalensas, Jurgita Dicevicius, Eugenijus Dicevicius, and the Suktinis dancers from Chicago) closed the afternoon celebration on just the right note. I heard several positive comments about the program from friends in the audience.

So what's to complain about? Attendance, or lack thereof. Poor attendance at community events has been a chronic problem for some time now, but it's especially discouraging to see it at the major patriotic event of the year. Even more discouraging is the fact that so few 'third wavers' were present, at an event that prominently featured their own peers on stage.

I'll be the first to admit that the quality of past events has been uneven. Last year's V-16 celebration was less than stellar, to say the least. But give the Bendromene leadership credit. They listened to the feedback of the community, and attempted to address many of the valid concerns. And how did the community repay them for their efforts? With a half-empty hall this afternoon.

Yes, scheduling the event directly opposite the weekly rehearsal of two major youth organizations (Naujoji Intriga and Svyturys) was not the best idea, especially if you want to lower the average age of the audience. But lots of adults stayed away, too. And I don't understand why.

So here's my takeaway: Cleveland Lithuanians need to decide whether they value their community or not. If they do, then they need to support with their attendance, the parish, the Klubas, and events presented by various organizations. If you have constructive criticism to offer, speak up! Better yet, get involved and 'be the change you wish to see' in the community. Or simply sit at home and complain privately to your friends, and watch as the community dies of apathy.

Every week, Tevynes Garsai and this blog bring you up to date on opportunities to come together and celebrate Lithuanian heritage. I challenge you to seize these opportunities before it's too late, and I welcome your comments and input below.

February 21, 2010

You are invited to attend the Cleveland celebration of Lithuania's Independence which continues this morning with with flag raising at 9:45 am at the Freedom monument on the grounds of St. Casimir Parish. 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Casimir will feature special music by Exultate, and Lithuanian-American organizations are invited to attend with their flags.

Following mass at 11:00 a.m. in the lower hall at St. Casimir, you're invited to stay for lunch, and then head upstairs at 1:00 pm for the main event, with keynote speaker Vytas Maaciunas, president of the Lithuanian-American Community-USA, and dancing by the Suktinis Lithuanian folk dancers from Chicago, poetry by Ona Zalensas and musical entertainment by Eugenijus Dicevicius.

Don't forget that today the Neff Road parking lot at St. Casimir will be closed after 8:00 mass, and reopen after 10:00 mass. The parking lot will be reserved during this time for those participating in the Independence Day flag-raising ceremony.

The 2nd annual North Collinwood Taste the Neighborhood Award Dinner is this Tuesday, February 23. The dinner will be hosted by Lithuanian Village, and Lithuanian Club president Ruta Degutis will be honored as one of the "regular folks who go the extra mile."

Next weekend, St. Casimir parish will hold an early spring cleaning party for all organizations that use the St. Casimir facilities. The idea is to get rid of items that are no longer needed from the school building and gymnasium. The party starts at 9:00 am next Saturday, and 1:00 pm next Sunday. All organizations that use parish facilities are asked to participate, and students looking for service opportunities are also encouraged to participate. Please call the rectory this week to let them know which day you'll be able to help.

Thursday, March 4th is the feast of St. Casimir, and you're invited to a special feast day liturgy and Eucharistic Devotion beginning at 7:00 pm. The mass will be celebrated in both Lithuanian and English, and will feature special music presented by Exultate under the direction of Rita Kliorys.

Speaking of Exultate, you're invited to a CD release party for their most recent recording, entitled Life - A Sacred Song. The event will take place on Friday, March 12th at 7:00 pm in the lower hall at St. Casimir. There will be refreshments, and you'll have a chance to hear excerpts from the new CD, and purchase a copy at a special discounted price.

Zaibas will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall. For more information please contact Vidas Tataruas by email at

Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid will ask for your support on the weekend of March 13th and 14th at St. Casimir. For more information please contact chairperson Zenonas Obelenis.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Academic Scouts Filisterai are pleased to announce that they will sponsor a concert by soprano Virginija Bruozyte Muliolis on Saturday, April 10th in the upper hall at St. Casimir.

During Lent, St. Casimir will join with St. Jerome's, Holy Redeemer and St. Mary's for a special Lenten spiritual series each Monday evening during Lent. On February 22nd, the mass and social will be at St. Jerome, followed on March 1st at Holy Redeemer, March 8th at St. Mary, and March 15th at St. Casimir. On March 22nd there will be a penance service at Holy Redeemer.

There are a number of social media sites popping to help Cleveland Lithuanians stay connected to each other and to the community. The Lithuanian Klubas has a Facebook page, and now Paul Ruksenas and Taupa have joined forces to launch .

If you're on Facebook, check out the group Keep Big Z in Cleveland, dedicated to letting Zydrunas Ilgauskas and the Cavaliers know that Clevelanders want to see the big man from Kaunas back in the Wine and Gold wearing number 11 as soon as possible.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today is WJCU's annual Radiothon. The response by Lithuanian Voice listeners was outstanding once again this year, and appears to be even better than in recent years. I don't have any dollar figures yet, but it looks like we had a higher number of listeners pledging, and perhaps a larger amount of money raised.

Your support at Radiothon time not only helps WJCU maintain and expand its facilities and equipment, but it's a way of showing that Tevynes Garsai is important to you personally. Community-oriented, listener-supported radio is one of the things that makes Cleveland a great place to live.

If you've already given, thank you! If you didn't yet make a pledge, there is still time to send your check to: Tevynes Garsai, 4249 Lambert Road, South Euclid, OH 44121. Please make checks payable to WJCU. Labai Aciu!

February 14, 2010

We send our deepest condolences to the family of Rita Dautas Ciofani-Kercher, who was the victim of a tragic incident at her workplace this week. Rita leaves behind her mother, Jadvyga Dautas husband Ron Kercher, along with many children, step-children and grandchildren. Complete obituary details and Rita's online guest book are available at

This coming Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent
, and Ash Wednesday masses at St. Casimir will be at 7:30 am and 7:00 pm on Wednesday.

During Lent, St. Casimir will join with St. Jerome's, Holy Redeemer and St. Mary's for a special Lenten spiritual series each Monday evening during Lent. On February 22nd, the mass and social will be at St. Jerome, followed on March 1st at Holy Redeemer, March 8th at St. Mary, and March 15th at St. Casimir. On March 22nd there will be a penance service at Holy Redeemer.

You are invited to attend the Cleveland celebration of Lithuania's Independence
on Saturday, February 20 and Sunday, February 21.

On Saturday, February 20 at 7:30 pm, the celebration kicks off with a dance party at Lithuanian Village with a special DJ from the Chicago dance group Suktinis who will spin your favorite tunes.

And then on Sunday, February 21st, the celebration and commemoration begins at 8:00 am right here on Tevynes Garsai, and continues with flag raising at 9:45 am at the Freedom monument on the grounds of St. Casimir Parish.

10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Casimir Parish will feature special music by Exultate, and Lithuanian-American organizations are invited to attend with their flags.

Following mass at 11:00 a.m. in the lower hall at St. Casimir, you're invited to stay for lunch, and then head upstairs at 1:00 pm for the main event, which will feature Vytas Maaciunas, president of the Lithuanian-American Community-USA.

After the official portion of the program, the Suktinis Lithuanian folk dancers from Chicago will entertain, along with poetry by Ona Zalensas and musical entertainment by Eugenijus Dicevicius.

On Sunday, February 21st. the Neff Road parking lot
at St. Casimir will be closed after 8:00 mass, and reopen after 10:00 mass. The parking lot will be reserved during this time for those participating in the Independence Day flag-raising ceremony on Sunday, February 21st.

Today is Valentine's Day
. Be sure to do something nice for the sweet people in your life.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

We send our sincere condolences to the family of Jonas Dunduras, who passed away on Friday at the age of 86, after a battle with cancer. Jonas Dunduras was an intellectual and world traveler, who is survived by his wife Danute and son Andris. He was a close friend of many people, including his sister-in-law and brother-in-law Grazina and Vladas Pleckaitis. The funeral mass for Jonas Dunduras will be next Saturday, February 13th at 11:00 at St. Casimir. Burial will be in the family plot in Florida.

Congratulations to Dr. Linas Vaitkus
who has recently become board certified in the field of Sleep Medicine, which covers insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleep disturbances. The board exam is notoriously difficult, with only about 50% of doctors who attempt the test getting a passing score. Dr. Vaitkus distinguished himself by placing in the top 8% of all test takers. He also holds board certifications in pulmonary medicine, internal medicine and critical care medicine.

The dancers, parents and leaders of Svyturys
would like to thank all who turned out last Saturday evening for their Beach Party fundraiser. Svyturys director Ausrine Sirvinskas says the event was a great success thanks to you. The money raised will help defray expenses associated with the upcoming Juventus dance festival which will be held right here in Cleveland on April 24th. Juventus will feature dancers from Cleveland, Chicago and Toronto, performing in the St. Casimir auditorium.

You are invited to attend the Cleveland celebration of Lithuania's Independence
on Saturday, February 20 and Sunday, February 21.

On Saturday, February 20 at 7:30 pm, the celebration kicks off with a dance party at Lithuanian Village with a special DJ from the Chicago dance group Suktinis who will spin your favorite tunes.

And then on Sunday, February 21st, the celebration and commemoration begins at 8:00 am right here on Tevynes Garsai, and continues with flag raising at 9:45 am at the Freedom monument on the grounds of St. Casimir Parish.

10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Casimir Parish will feature special music by Exultate, and Lithuanian-American organizations are invited to attend with their flags.

Following mass at 11:00 a.m. in the lower hall at St. Casimir, you're invited to stay for lunch, and then head upstairs at 1:00 pm for the main event, which will feature Vytas Maaciunas, president of the Lithuanian-American Community-USA.

After the official portion of the program, the Suktinis Lithuanian folk dancers from Chicago will entertain, along with poetry by Ona Zalensas and musical entertainment by Eugenijus Dicevicius.

On Sunday, February 21st. the Neff Road parking lot
at St. Casimir will be closed after 8:00 mass, and reopen after 10:00 mass. The parking lot will be reserved during this time for those participating in the Independence Day flag-raising ceremony on Sunday, February 21st.

Next Sunday, WCJU will kick off its 2010 Radiothon
fundraising campaign. We'll be live in the studio with our volunteers, Nijole Palubinskas, Romas Zorska, and Zivile Vaitkus asking for your support for WJCU. The phone number to call next Sunday will be 216-397-4438, or you can donate in person after 10:00 mass at St. Casimir.

We want to thank Father Bacevice for his generosity in allowing us to collect Radiothon contributions at the parish, and for the announcement that appears in this Sunday's bulletin.

Opera fans
will want to tune in to WVIZ PBS Channel 25 at 4:00 pm on Sunday, February 28th, when Violeta Urmana will star in the broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera production of Aida.

will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall in Euclid.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 31, 2010

Our condolences to the family of Antanas Vasis, who died peacefully at his home in Cleveland this week at the age of 83. Vasis is survived by his wife Ona, children Romas, Lucy and Joe, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The memorial mass was held yesterday at St. Casimir.

Tomorrow will mark the eighth anniversary of the death of our dear friend and colleague Dalia Staniskis. Dalia was an active member of the Lithuanian community, and a frequent and valued contributor to this radio program throughout her life.

We send a special shout-out to Regina Motiejunaite, who is listening via the Internet in India this morning. Regina says a special hello to her family here in Cleveland.

Congratulations to the Svyturys dance ensemble on a great beach party fundraiser last night at Lithuanian Village. The decorations and lighting set just the right tone for an evening to remind us that it won't be 7 degrees in Cleveland forever. And it was great to see so many Lithuanian friends come out for a good cause and a good time.

Don't forget about the upcoming mini dance festival to be held right here in Cleveland on April 24th, featuring Svyturys with dancers from Chicago and Toronto.

You are invited to attend the Cleveland celebration of Lithuania's Independence on Saturday, February 20 and Sunday, February 21.

On Saturday, February 20 at 7:30 pm, the celebration kicks off with a dance party at Lithuanian Village with a special DJ from the Chicago dance group Suktinis who will spin your favorite tunes until who knows when.

And then on Sunday, February 21st, the celebration and commemoration begins at 8:00 am right here on Tevynes Garsai, and continues with flag raising at 9:45 am at the Freedom monument on the grounds of St. Casimir Parish.

10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Casimir Parish will feature special music by Exultate, and Lithuanian-American organizations are invited to attend with their flags.

Following mass at 11:00 a.m. in the lower hall at St. Casimir, you're invited to stay for lunch, and then head upstairs at 1:00 pm for the main event, which will feature Vytas Maaciunas, president of the Lithuanian-American Community-USA.

After the official portion of the program, the Suktinis Lithuanian folk dancers from Chicago will entertain, along with poetry by Ona Zalensas and musical entertainment by Eugenijus Dicevicius.

In just two weeks, WCJU will kick off its 2010 Radiothon fundraising campaign. This is the one time during the year we ask for your financial support of WJCU. Tevynes Garsai has been on the air here at WJCU for almost 22 years now, and WJCU has been very supportive of nationality programming on the air in Cleveland. In turn Tevynes Garsai listeners have traditionally been very generous when it comes to donating at Radiothon time.

So on Sunday, February 14th, we'll be asking you to make an investment in WJCU, an investement which pays you a return two hours per week, 52 weeks a year, when you can turn on your radio, computer or smartphone and listen to Lithuanian music and news. More details next Sunday, including phone numbers you can call to donate, but for now mark your calendar for Sunday, February 14th, for WJCU Radiothon 2010.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Pensininkiu Klubas invites you to its monthly lunch meeting this coming Thursday, February 4th at 12 noon at Gintaras restaurant at Lithuanian Village.

Next Saturday, February 6th, Povilas Strolia will perform an 8:00 pm concert at Lithuanian Village. Povilas Strolia hails from Chicago, and has been a fixture on the Lithuanian-American music scene for many years. He is the grandson of Juozas Strolia and the son of Faustas Strolia, both of whom are prominent composers.

Tickets are still avilable for the Zaibas Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event to be held on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

And looking ahead to May, the LAUNA games will be in Cleveland on May 1st and 2nd. In conjunction with the athletic competition, there will be a concert on Saturday, May 1st at Lithuanan Village, featuring Romas Dambrauskas.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24, 2010

Congratulations to Stanley and Dana Cipkus, on the occasion of their 54th wedding anniversary.

This past Tuesday, Northeast Shores Development Corporation
held its annual elections for board of directors. One of the newly-elected board members is KC Petraitis, who is the son of Kestutis and Judy Petraitis. KC is a resident of the North Collinwood neighborhood, and is pursuiing a Master's Degree at Cleveland State University. He joins a growing group of young, emerging leaders on the Northeast Shores board who are committed to maintaining and growing this historic area.

This morning
, the coffee and pastry after 10:00 mass at St. Casimir is courtesy of the Moksleiviai.

St. Casimir Church has purchased a cardiac defribillator and an emergency oxygen system, which can be a life saver should anyone have a cardiac event while in church. If you are interseted in learning how to use this equipment, please contact Father Bacevicius at the St. Casimir rectory.

Join the the Svyturys dancers on next Saturday, January 30th at 6:00 pm in the ballroom at Lithuanian Village as they invite you to a Beach Party-themed fundraiser.

The party will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contests, prizes and more. You are encouraged to wear your summer attire under that heavy coat and help create a little summer spirit in the middle of the Cleveland winter. Proceeds from this all ages event will help fund the upcoming Lithuanian Youth Dance Festival on April 24th, which will feature Svyturys, along with dancers from Toronto and Chicago.

The Lithuanian Club now has a Facebook page, so if you're on Facebook, look for Lith Klubas, become a friend, and stay updated on all the latest happenings at Lithuanian Village. There is also a growing collection of photos from various Cleveland Lithuanian events from the past decade on the Lith Klubas Facebook page.

Lithuanian Village presents Lithuanian Movie Night, every Thursday from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the dining room.

Coming up on Saturday, February 6th, Povilas Strolia will perform an 8:00 pm concert at Lithuanian Village. Povilas Strolia hails from Chicago, and has been a fixture on the Lithuanian-American music scene for many years. He is the grandson of Juozas Strolia and the son of Faustas Strolia, both of whom are prominent composers.

Zaibas will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

Cleveland Lithuanians are invited to celebrate Lithuanian Independence Day. The main commemoration event will be held either on February 20th or 21st. More details on V-16 as they become available.

February is also the month for WJCU Radiothon, and your support will be important this year, as it is every year. WCJU will be completely remodeling its air studio this Spring, which will be a major financial undertaking. More details on that in upcoming weeks. Radiothon 2010 will be held on February 14th.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17, 2010

We have several congratulations to begin this week's update:

Former Clevelander Mindaugas Idzelis will marry Maria Reyes on February 6th in Guatemala. Relatives and friends from Cleveland and Lithuania will travel to Guatemala for the wedding. Mindaugas is a computer specialist working for IBM in North Carolina. Contratulations to Mindaugas and Maria!

This past week, Henrikas Stasas was honored with a 95th birthday dinner at Americano Grill in Bratenahl. The dinner was given by Henrikas' daughters Ingrida, Matilda and Ugnele. Happy Birthday to Ponas Stasa! The exectutive chef and co-owner of Americano Grill is Vytautas Sasnauskas.

Kazimieras Julius Marcinkevicius recently celebrated his 90th birthday, and his wife Marija, and children Egidijus, Daiva, Nida and their families would like to wish him a very happy birthday.

A big shout out to the 130 people who turned out on a very cold and snowy evening last Monday to tour the LaSalle Theater, and provide their input on possible future uses for this historical structure. The good news is that the LaSalle is in much better condition than the Capitol Theatre on Cleveland's west side was before its recent restoration. So there is feasability and support for creating an anchor destination on East 185th Street.

The St. Casimir Parish Coffee Committee would liike to thank everyone for their very enthusiastic response to their request for hosts to upcoming after-mass coffee hours. The schedule is currently being finalized and the published calendar will soon be distributed.

Next Sunday Moksleiviai will provide the coffee and pastry. On January 31 it will be Zidinys, on February 7: Exultate, on February 14: The Bacevice Family, on February 21: Lithuanian Schools, and on February 28: TAUPA.

Many thanks to Dalia Armonas, Loretta Gudenas and Ingrid Civinskas for their hard work in coordinating the coffee social schedule.

If you are interested in being a part of the St. Casimir parish Steering Committe, please contact Father Bacevice by this coming Wednesday, January 20th. The Steering Committee will take responsibility for forming a Parish Council and crafting a parish Mission Statement.

If you consider yourself a member of St. Casimir parish, you are asked to register at the rectory as a member. Registration allows the parish to accurately record contributions, maintain an accurate mailing list, and generally understand the makeup and needs of its parishioners.

Join the the Svyturys dancers on January 30th at 6:00 pm in the ballroom at Lithuanian Village as they warm things up with a Beach Party-themed fundraiser. The party, will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contest, prizes and more. You are encouraged to wear your summer attire under that heavy coat and help create a little summer spirit in the middle of the Cleveland winter. Proceeds from this event will help fund the upcoming Lithuanian Youth Dance Festival on April 24th, which will feature Svyturys, along with dancers from Toronto and Chicago.

Starting this month, Lithuanian Village will present Lithuanian Movie Night, every Thursday from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the dining room.

Zaibas will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

Rumor has it that there will be a Lithuanian Independence Day celebration in Cleveland next month, but no word yet on when, where or who will be performing or speaking.

There will also be a WJCU Radiothon in February, and your support will be important this year, as it is every year. WCJU will be completely remodeling its air studio this Spring, which will be a major financial undertaking. More details on that in upcoming weeks. Radiothon 2010 will be held either February 14th or February 21st. We haven't finalized the date of Radiothon since we never want Radiothon and Vasario Sesuolikta to take place on the same weekend.