Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 31, 2010

Our condolences to the family of Antanas Vasis, who died peacefully at his home in Cleveland this week at the age of 83. Vasis is survived by his wife Ona, children Romas, Lucy and Joe, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The memorial mass was held yesterday at St. Casimir.

Tomorrow will mark the eighth anniversary of the death of our dear friend and colleague Dalia Staniskis. Dalia was an active member of the Lithuanian community, and a frequent and valued contributor to this radio program throughout her life.

We send a special shout-out to Regina Motiejunaite, who is listening via the Internet in India this morning. Regina says a special hello to her family here in Cleveland.

Congratulations to the Svyturys dance ensemble on a great beach party fundraiser last night at Lithuanian Village. The decorations and lighting set just the right tone for an evening to remind us that it won't be 7 degrees in Cleveland forever. And it was great to see so many Lithuanian friends come out for a good cause and a good time.

Don't forget about the upcoming mini dance festival to be held right here in Cleveland on April 24th, featuring Svyturys with dancers from Chicago and Toronto.

You are invited to attend the Cleveland celebration of Lithuania's Independence on Saturday, February 20 and Sunday, February 21.

On Saturday, February 20 at 7:30 pm, the celebration kicks off with a dance party at Lithuanian Village with a special DJ from the Chicago dance group Suktinis who will spin your favorite tunes until who knows when.

And then on Sunday, February 21st, the celebration and commemoration begins at 8:00 am right here on Tevynes Garsai, and continues with flag raising at 9:45 am at the Freedom monument on the grounds of St. Casimir Parish.

10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Casimir Parish will feature special music by Exultate, and Lithuanian-American organizations are invited to attend with their flags.

Following mass at 11:00 a.m. in the lower hall at St. Casimir, you're invited to stay for lunch, and then head upstairs at 1:00 pm for the main event, which will feature Vytas Maaciunas, president of the Lithuanian-American Community-USA.

After the official portion of the program, the Suktinis Lithuanian folk dancers from Chicago will entertain, along with poetry by Ona Zalensas and musical entertainment by Eugenijus Dicevicius.

In just two weeks, WCJU will kick off its 2010 Radiothon fundraising campaign. This is the one time during the year we ask for your financial support of WJCU. Tevynes Garsai has been on the air here at WJCU for almost 22 years now, and WJCU has been very supportive of nationality programming on the air in Cleveland. In turn Tevynes Garsai listeners have traditionally been very generous when it comes to donating at Radiothon time.

So on Sunday, February 14th, we'll be asking you to make an investment in WJCU, an investement which pays you a return two hours per week, 52 weeks a year, when you can turn on your radio, computer or smartphone and listen to Lithuanian music and news. More details next Sunday, including phone numbers you can call to donate, but for now mark your calendar for Sunday, February 14th, for WJCU Radiothon 2010.

The Cleveland Lithuanian Pensininkiu Klubas invites you to its monthly lunch meeting this coming Thursday, February 4th at 12 noon at Gintaras restaurant at Lithuanian Village.

Next Saturday, February 6th, Povilas Strolia will perform an 8:00 pm concert at Lithuanian Village. Povilas Strolia hails from Chicago, and has been a fixture on the Lithuanian-American music scene for many years. He is the grandson of Juozas Strolia and the son of Faustas Strolia, both of whom are prominent composers.

Tickets are still avilable for the Zaibas Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event to be held on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

And looking ahead to May, the LAUNA games will be in Cleveland on May 1st and 2nd. In conjunction with the athletic competition, there will be a concert on Saturday, May 1st at Lithuanan Village, featuring Romas Dambrauskas.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24, 2010

Congratulations to Stanley and Dana Cipkus, on the occasion of their 54th wedding anniversary.

This past Tuesday, Northeast Shores Development Corporation
held its annual elections for board of directors. One of the newly-elected board members is KC Petraitis, who is the son of Kestutis and Judy Petraitis. KC is a resident of the North Collinwood neighborhood, and is pursuiing a Master's Degree at Cleveland State University. He joins a growing group of young, emerging leaders on the Northeast Shores board who are committed to maintaining and growing this historic area.

This morning
, the coffee and pastry after 10:00 mass at St. Casimir is courtesy of the Moksleiviai.

St. Casimir Church has purchased a cardiac defribillator and an emergency oxygen system, which can be a life saver should anyone have a cardiac event while in church. If you are interseted in learning how to use this equipment, please contact Father Bacevicius at the St. Casimir rectory.

Join the the Svyturys dancers on next Saturday, January 30th at 6:00 pm in the ballroom at Lithuanian Village as they invite you to a Beach Party-themed fundraiser.

The party will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contests, prizes and more. You are encouraged to wear your summer attire under that heavy coat and help create a little summer spirit in the middle of the Cleveland winter. Proceeds from this all ages event will help fund the upcoming Lithuanian Youth Dance Festival on April 24th, which will feature Svyturys, along with dancers from Toronto and Chicago.

The Lithuanian Club now has a Facebook page, so if you're on Facebook, look for Lith Klubas, become a friend, and stay updated on all the latest happenings at Lithuanian Village. There is also a growing collection of photos from various Cleveland Lithuanian events from the past decade on the Lith Klubas Facebook page.

Lithuanian Village presents Lithuanian Movie Night, every Thursday from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the dining room.

Coming up on Saturday, February 6th, Povilas Strolia will perform an 8:00 pm concert at Lithuanian Village. Povilas Strolia hails from Chicago, and has been a fixture on the Lithuanian-American music scene for many years. He is the grandson of Juozas Strolia and the son of Faustas Strolia, both of whom are prominent composers.

Zaibas will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

Cleveland Lithuanians are invited to celebrate Lithuanian Independence Day. The main commemoration event will be held either on February 20th or 21st. More details on V-16 as they become available.

February is also the month for WJCU Radiothon, and your support will be important this year, as it is every year. WCJU will be completely remodeling its air studio this Spring, which will be a major financial undertaking. More details on that in upcoming weeks. Radiothon 2010 will be held on February 14th.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

January 17, 2010

We have several congratulations to begin this week's update:

Former Clevelander Mindaugas Idzelis will marry Maria Reyes on February 6th in Guatemala. Relatives and friends from Cleveland and Lithuania will travel to Guatemala for the wedding. Mindaugas is a computer specialist working for IBM in North Carolina. Contratulations to Mindaugas and Maria!

This past week, Henrikas Stasas was honored with a 95th birthday dinner at Americano Grill in Bratenahl. The dinner was given by Henrikas' daughters Ingrida, Matilda and Ugnele. Happy Birthday to Ponas Stasa! The exectutive chef and co-owner of Americano Grill is Vytautas Sasnauskas.

Kazimieras Julius Marcinkevicius recently celebrated his 90th birthday, and his wife Marija, and children Egidijus, Daiva, Nida and their families would like to wish him a very happy birthday.

A big shout out to the 130 people who turned out on a very cold and snowy evening last Monday to tour the LaSalle Theater, and provide their input on possible future uses for this historical structure. The good news is that the LaSalle is in much better condition than the Capitol Theatre on Cleveland's west side was before its recent restoration. So there is feasability and support for creating an anchor destination on East 185th Street.

The St. Casimir Parish Coffee Committee would liike to thank everyone for their very enthusiastic response to their request for hosts to upcoming after-mass coffee hours. The schedule is currently being finalized and the published calendar will soon be distributed.

Next Sunday Moksleiviai will provide the coffee and pastry. On January 31 it will be Zidinys, on February 7: Exultate, on February 14: The Bacevice Family, on February 21: Lithuanian Schools, and on February 28: TAUPA.

Many thanks to Dalia Armonas, Loretta Gudenas and Ingrid Civinskas for their hard work in coordinating the coffee social schedule.

If you are interested in being a part of the St. Casimir parish Steering Committe, please contact Father Bacevice by this coming Wednesday, January 20th. The Steering Committee will take responsibility for forming a Parish Council and crafting a parish Mission Statement.

If you consider yourself a member of St. Casimir parish, you are asked to register at the rectory as a member. Registration allows the parish to accurately record contributions, maintain an accurate mailing list, and generally understand the makeup and needs of its parishioners.

Join the the Svyturys dancers on January 30th at 6:00 pm in the ballroom at Lithuanian Village as they warm things up with a Beach Party-themed fundraiser. The party, will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contest, prizes and more. You are encouraged to wear your summer attire under that heavy coat and help create a little summer spirit in the middle of the Cleveland winter. Proceeds from this event will help fund the upcoming Lithuanian Youth Dance Festival on April 24th, which will feature Svyturys, along with dancers from Toronto and Chicago.

Starting this month, Lithuanian Village will present Lithuanian Movie Night, every Thursday from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the dining room.

Zaibas will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

Rumor has it that there will be a Lithuanian Independence Day celebration in Cleveland next month, but no word yet on when, where or who will be performing or speaking.

There will also be a WJCU Radiothon in February, and your support will be important this year, as it is every year. WCJU will be completely remodeling its air studio this Spring, which will be a major financial undertaking. More details on that in upcoming weeks. Radiothon 2010 will be held either February 14th or February 21st. We haven't finalized the date of Radiothon since we never want Radiothon and Vasario Sesuolikta to take place on the same weekend.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10, 2010

If you are interested in being a part of the St. Casimir parish Steering Committe, please contact Father Bacevice by January 20th. The Steering Committee will take responsibility for forming a Parish Council and crafting a parish Mission Statement.

The LaSalle Theater
on East 185th Street will be open for tours tomorrow, January 11th, at 6:00 pm. The tour will be followed by a public forum held at Federated Auto Parts. Full details available in the Collinwood Observer.

Next Saturday, January 16th
, you can learn how to make fused glass jewelry at Lithuanian Village with John Yagoda. The workshop runs from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and includes materials and firing to make up to 15 pieces of jewelry. Contact John at 440-309-0488 or send email to

If you consider yourself a member of St. Casimir parish
, you are asked to register at the rectory as a member. Registration allows the parish to accurately record contributions, maintain an accurate mailing list, and generally understand the makeup and needs of its parishioners.

Virginija Muliolis is now the regular cantor at 10:00 am Sunday mass at St. Casimir, and Sister Sandy Capitena is providing music at 8:00 am Sunday mass. Congratulations to both Virginija and Sister Sandy on their new roles.

On January 30th, the Svyturys dancers
will warm things up with a Beach Party-themed fundraiser. The party, which will be held at Lithuanian Village will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contest, prizes and more. Mark your calendar also for the April 24th, which will include not only Svyturys, but also dancers from Toronto and Chicago.

Starting this month, Lithuanian Village will present Lithuanian Movie Night, every Thursday from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm in the dining room.

Zaibas will hold its annual Hall of Fame induction and Night at the Races event on Saturday, March 6th at Recher Slovenian Hall.

All community activities rely on volunteers, and this radio show is no exception. Tevynes Garsai is looking for a Technical Producer to assist with its Sunday morning on-air programming. The ideal person for this position is dependable and has reliable transportation, and a decent comprehension of spoken Lithuanian. You must be comfortable around audio and computer technology, including Windows and the Internet. If this describes you, or a family member or one of your friends, please contact me by email via the profile page on this blog.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

During the month of January, St. Casimir parish will form a Steering Committee to begin the formation of a Parish Council and a Parish Mission Statement. If you are interested in serving on the Steering Committee, please contact Father Bacevice by January 20th.

The LaSalle Theater
on East 185th Street will be open for tours next Monday, January 11th, at 6:00 pm. Full details available in the Collinwood Observer.

On January 30th, the Svyturys dancers
will warm things up with a Beach Party-themed fundraiser. The party, which will be held at Lithuanian Village will feature burgers, hot dogs, dance contest, prizes and more. Mark your calendar also for the April 24th, which will include not only Svyturys, but also dancers from Toronto and Chicago.

Tevynes Garsai is looking for a Technical Producer to assist with its Sunday morning on-air programming. The ideal person for this position is dependable and has reliable transportation, and a decent comprehension of spoken Lithuanian. You must be comfortable around audio and computer technology, including Windows and the Internet. If this describes you, please contact me by email via the profile page on this blog. And for the record, I'm not recruiting my replacement, merely looking for some help with the Sunday morning air shift.